Falling is fear number one for many elderly people. One in three people over 65 years of age suffer at least one fall a year. A falling incident can lead to serious injuries or worse. In addition, it can cause many seniors to feel insecure and unable to cope, affecting their quality of life. Fall incidents are not only traumatic to the individual, but also costly for society. We offer several products and solutions that can help to reduce the number of accidental falls.

Accidental falls are quite common among the elderly. They are not only traumatic to the individual, but also costly for society.
One in three people over 65 years of age suffer at least one fall a year. Half of all individuals who suffer a fall are predisposed to suffer repeated incidents. Women fall more often than men. In around five per cent of all cases, the fall results in a fracture, usually of the wrist, hip or back. One in ten falls leads to severe injuries. Many of these are difficult to heal, and far too many lead to long-term disability. Fall incidents represent around 20-30 per cent of all injury-related hospitalisations.

Reduced cost, improved quality of life

According to forskning.no, a hip fracture in an elderly woman, ‘above and beyond the pain and suffering and impaired quality of life experienced by the individual, costs the health care system close to £ 90,000 in expenses for hospital treatment and rehabilitation.’ The Norwegian Safety Forum (www.skafor.org) has calculated that medical costs associated with a hip fracture average about £ 33,000 while the municipality’s social services expenses run around £ 20,000. According to the non-profit organisation, prevention not only helps the public sector save a large amount of money, it helps individuals avoid a considerable amount of pain and suffering: ‘Prevention of falls is a prudent investment – in both reduced costs and improved quality of life.’

A few simple measures is all that is required. Our proprietary Gripo support pole can make a big difference in people’s lives, providing a secure, stable support for everyday tasks. Gripo is a sturdy, flexible supportive aid that helps you stand up and move around the house. The support pole is suitable for any home and is portable and easy to install. You can read more about Gripo here.

Gripo støttestang montert på bad
Støttestangen Gripo

Many people find it difficult for various reasons to climb up or down stairs, and falling down can be quite dangerous. The AssiStep Stair Assistant is an innovative, tested product that can be installed inconspicuously on a stairway in your home or other residence to help you move around freely and maintain a safe and active lifestyle. AssiStep consists of a handrail with a handle that glides up and down the rail as you walk. If you lose your balance and fall, the handle automatically locks and provides support. The product is entirely mechanical and does not require a source of electricity.

Safe chairs lead to a more active lifestyle

​At Hepro, preventing falls has been a big part of our mission for many years. We supply a number of products and solutions designed to make everyday living simpler and safer for individuals who are at a higher risk of injuries. While safety is always the top priority, our innovative design team also focuses on your comfort, well-being and peace-of-mind to ensure you get the maximal enjoyment from your purchase.

For example, our proprietary lift chairs are equipped with a lift mechanism that makes them sturdier, safer and more stable. A gentle, assistive ‘push’ helps you get up out of the chair so that you can perform your everyday activities. We believe that self-sufficiency is one of the most important factors when it comes to quality of life. You can read more about our lift chairs here.

Our ergonomic chairs are both sturdy and functional. They are high-quality products that you’ll enjoy many years of use from. The chairs are safe, have easily accessible control levers and come with a variety of options to adjust the seating for improved comfort. You can read more about them here.

Lavatory support solutions

Many fall incidents occur for various reasons during a visit to the lavatory. The old maxim ‘When you gotta go, you gotta go’ definitely holds true for the elderly. Strength and balance impairment can make individuals feel insecure while walking to or from the bathroom or while frequenting the toilet. These challenges may limit a person’s ability to take care of personal hygiene and self-care. Personal hygiene is crucial for disease prevention and is an important factor when it comes to an individual’s well-being and self-image.

We supply supportive devices that provide relief and support in the lavatory. For example, our Svan Balance is just what the doctor ordered if you need more support while sitting down, getting up or using the toilet. This innovative solution gives anyone suffering from balance issues during standing or sitting valuable peace of mind. The arm- and footrests properly support the entire body, and the flexible handles make it easier to walk to and from the toilet.

Our Gaius bathroom concept includes top-of-the-line furnishings and equipment, thoughtfully arranged to ensure maximal user friendliness. The line includes specially adapted washbasins, cupboards, shower seats, lights, mirrors and Gauis Duo 2.0 toilets with height-adjustable tanks. All Gauis products feature anti-microbial surfaces and are approved for institutional use.
We also supply other toilet solutions, such as toilet lifts, handicap-accessible shower cubicles, shower chairs and high-quality grip bars. We have years of experience supplying and installing hygiene products and can help you find the right products that meet your needs for bathroom mobility and safety. Our products are user friendly, ergonomic and designed to promote self-sufficient everyday living.

Gaius baderomsløsninger

Leading-edge digital solutions

Today, several advanced solutions are available for digital monitoring. This provides unprecedented opportunities for creating safer, worry-free living conditions both for users, family members and health care workers. We collaborate with several of the leading global companies in this area and offer reputable products from RoomMate, a provider of systems for anonymised, effective supervision of residents in nursing homes, sheltered housing facilities and private homes. The solutions are designed to promote independence, empowerment and enhanced quality of life.

The RoomMate Welfare Sensor is an advanced 3D IR sensor capable of night-time operation. The camera’s images are used for visually anonymised monitoring and are analysed by a powerful built-in processor that automatically sounds an alarm in critical situations. The sensor is installed high up on a wall and sends a text alert/warning via a smartphone app in the event of any falls, prolonged visits to the bathroom or other pre-programmed, critical scenarios. Users do not need to press a button or bear any other equipment on their bodies in order to activate the service.

More home monitoring and alert solutions

The mobile safety alarm can also send an alert if a user suffers a fall incident elsewhere in the home. The safety alarm is inconspicuously disguised as an attractive bracelet or necklace but is equipped with an integrated passive alert fall sensor.

We also supply several types of motion sensors for a number of different applications. These can for example be mounted under patients’ beds in health care institutions or be installed in the home to alert caregivers that a user has been inactive for a prolonged period of time.
The motion sensor is a passive alert device; in other words, it automatically sends a signal to health care personnel whenever an alert is triggered.

“You don’t stop laughing when you grow old, you grow old when you stop laughing.”

G. B. Shaw