Dementia is caused by disease and is not a natural part of the ageing process. There is currently no cure for dementia, but there is much that can be done to simplify the activities of daily living of people affected by dementia disorders. Among other things, we can provide solutions for smart homes and digital monitoring, anti-wander alarms and a number of other products and services that make it easier and safer for people to live with this disorder.

Today, more than 77,000 people in Norway suffer from dementia, and NFF (‘Nasjonalforeningen for folkehelsen’) estimates that this number will double by 2040. However, the organisation believes that dementia is underreported and the real number may be far greater.

Not just the elderly

Many people believe that only the elderly are affected by dementia. However, younger people can also be stricken by this disorder. Of those living with dementia in 2020, NFF estimates that around 4,000 are under 65 years of age. More than 350,000 people are closely related to someone suffering from dementia.

There is currently no cure for dementia, but there are things that can be done so that you can live your life to the fullest in spite of the disorder. NFF estimates that the annual costs associated with dementia amount to almost £ 31,000 per person. Based on 77,000 dementia sufferers, this would amount to a total cost of nearly £ 2.4 billion per year.

Digital monitoring

Dementia is a complex disorder and the course of the disease may vary. The most common symptoms include loss of memory, difficulties with language and activities of daily living and orientation issues. We supply supportive aids that make it easier to live with these symptoms.

​Dementia is a complex disorder and the course of the disease may vary. The most common symptoms include loss of memory, difficulties with language and activities of daily living and orientation issues. We supply supportive aids that make it easier to live with these symptoms.

We supply innovative monitoring solutions like Nattugla (NightOwl) from the Norwegian company Easymeeting. These products provide anonymised, effective monitoring of residents in nursing homes, sheltered housing facilities and private homes. An alarm is automatically triggered in a number of critical situations such as for example if a person falls.

Patient alert systems with an anti-wander alarm

Wandering and disorientation are widespread problems among people with dementia. Hepro Response Wander Alarm is a complete monitoring solution for dementia sufferers who have a tendency to wander. The system enables them to move about freely without feeling cooped up or stressed out. With several different bracelets and necklaces to choose from and a variety of installation zone options, this anti-wander alarm system safeguards wander-prone dementia sufferers around the clock.

The Response Wander Alarm includes a necklace or watch, worn by the user, and an app, which health care personnel or family members can use to display the coordinates of the device on a map. These coordinates are updated every 15 seconds whenever the user has left his or her home or moved outside a predefined area. The system can also be programmed to set off an alarm in this type of scenario.

Mobile safety alarm with geolocation technology

A mobile safety alarm is a great solution for homebound individuals. This allows users to get help at the press of a button if they, for example, cannot find their way home. These solutions often include a GPS tracker. If the user presses the button or the ‘geofenced’ area is violated, an alert is triggered. This is received by health care personnel or family members via a dedicated app that displays
the coordinates of the device on a map.

Another solution for homebound individuals is the Otiom chip, which has been specifically developed for dementia sufferers. The system is designed for both private and professional use and can be easily configured on the fly to send an alert whenever a user leaves the home or health care institution. There is also an option for configuring a so-called geofenced area, allowing an alert to be received, for example, if a resident enters a prohibited zone.

Electronic medication dispensers and refrigerator sensors

Over- and undermedication is another widespread problem among individuals with dementia. Many of them either forget to take crucial medications or forget they already have taken them. Our electronic medication dispenser is designed to solve this issue. The system uses both light and sound to alert users at periodic intervals to take their medicines. The dispenser records whether the user in fact ejected the medicine from the device and, if this has not been done, promptly alerts health care personnel so that they can investigate why the medicine was not taken.

We also supply a refrigerator sensor that sends a message if the refrigerator door has not been opened for a certain period of time. The sensor can be installed on the refrigerators of individuals who have a tendency to forget meals.