​An active lifestyle requires communication and mobility, with or without supportive aids or assistance. We supply wheelchairs, scooters and a number of other solutions that can help solve these issues.

​Too many people fail to maintain an active lifestyle

In a recent investigative report on behalf of the Ministry of Health and Care Services, NTNU’s Centre for Health Care Research (‘Senter for omsorgsforskning’) maintained that ‘Activity, empowerment and social companionship are important to all individuals throughout their lives and are necessary pre-conditions in order to enjoy the best possible health status and functional ability.’
However, the statistics paint a sobering picture. Inactivity is a huge societal problem. An astounding 10 per cent of the population are estimated to be physically inactive and 2 per cent are considered to be morbidly obese. These figures continue to rise sharply, and the overall cost to society is astronomical. Vista Analyse AS has estimated that inactivity and obesity will cost Norwegian society no less than £ 3.7 billion in 2027. Here’s a quick breakdown:

  • £ 257 million per year due to lifestyle diseases in the 20-84 year-old age group (loss of productivity, costs of medical treatment and financing through public taxes).
  • £ 403 million per year in terms of ‘QALY’ (an individual’s loss of years of perfect health) in the 20-84 year-old age group.
  • £ 2.2 billion per year due to a limited capacity for work in the 15-74 year-old age group (loss of productivity).
  • £ 815 million per year due to disability benefits subsequently received by individuals aged 15-74 years with a limited capacity for work (loss of productivity and the public financing costs of the disability benefits).

Mobility aids

Inactivity can be due to many factors, including mobility issues in particular. Hepro supplies a number of supportive aids that can help improve mobility at home, at work or in social settings.
Hepro supplies a variety of ergonomic chairs to accommodate people with differing needs and offers the Gripo, a helpful supportive aid for people suffering from mobility issues. This is a sturdy, flexible supportive device that helps you stand up and move around, whether it’s at home or on the job. Gripo is extremely easy to use.

Krabat for children and teens

Krabat Runner, size 1

Our Krabat division develops products for children and teenagers. These are active support aids that promote developmental mastery and progress with motor skills.

In their Report no. 1 of 2018, the National skill development centre for children and young people with disabilities (‘Nasjonal Kompetansetjeneste for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser’) maintains that ‘Participation in activities and social gatherings is the context where people develop skills and competencies, form relationships and friendships, achieve mental and physical health, express themselves creatively, develop an identity and find meaning and goals in life.’

Krabat Runner is a hybrid kickbike/walking bike for children from four to eight years of age. The bike differs from traditional kickbikes in that it has an extra third wheel, which provide greater stability and safety. The collapsible handle and light weight (just over 13 lbs.) make it easy to transport the Runner in a car.

Krabat Sheriff manuell rullestol

Krabat Sheriff is a ruggedised wheelchair for indoor or outdoor use, designed for children from 2 to 14 years of age. The compact and modern design was specifically developed with children in mind. It’s easy to operate and provides the child with maximal range of motion. The even more advanced Krabat Sheriff Plus offers the utmost in comfort, providing children that require more support with the benefits of a saddle seat. Both Sheriff and Sheriff Plus are ruggedised children’s wheelchairs that are suitable for indoor and outdoor use.

Krabat Pilot is an innovative crawling aid that promotes play and participation by raising the child up off the floor. The product may be used as soon as the child reaches nine months of age. However, most of our users range from one to five years old.

Advanced welfare and digital health technology

When we talk about participation, we are simply referring to interaction with other people. Today, there is new technology that can help you to overcome mobility issues and other physical challenges. What is commonly referred to as ‘warm technology’ is undergoing rapid transformation, and new products that make day-to-day living easier for those that need them are continuously being introduced. Several of these solutions have been specifically developed to counteract loneliness.
One of these is the groundbreaking KOMP system. This is a screen with just one button, specially designed for people who can’t master smartphones or tablets. KOMP allows the entire extended family to connect via an app and send pictures and messages or conduct two-way video calls. With KOMP’s advanced motion capture, entire families can stay up to date on events and happenings. In this sense, KOMP serves as a vital social network for the entire family.
KOMP Pro, which has been specially designed for public and private health care institutions, is a platform that enables the management and operation of one or more KOMPs. The product gives administrators a clear overview of all their KOMPs, allowing them to send invites to employees, set user permissions and create groups by department or other criteria. Employees can send content to KOMPs within their own department, adapted to either specific users or larger groups.
We also supply advanced IT solutions focused on communication, planning, organisation, organisational structure, knowledge sharing and management overviews.

Smarte løsninger

The well-being calendar that provides a better overview

The calendar can be used by people living in nursing homes, sheltered housing facilities or private homes. The solution was designed to help users keep track of everyday activities, communication and/or social gatherings so that they feel that they have more empowerment in their own lives. The calendar can be used as a communication tool by the user and e.g. employees in a nursing home, family members, non-profit employees, etc.

​Whenever a child is unable to be present in the classroom, the communication robot can serve as its eyes, ears and voice. The robot provides chronically ill children with the opportunity to see, hear and converse with their classmates as if they actually were present at the school. This all happens via a secure app. If the child wants to raise a hand to answer a question, he or she simply presses a button, and the robot’s head lights up white.